“You can find it on our website” is probably something you’ve heard hundreds, if not thousands of times during your experience as a human. I use the world “human” loosely however, as I recently watched Keeanu Reeves do what he does best in “The Matrix” and it really got me thinking…. Anyway, the one thing I can guarantee, aside from death, taxes (and that we may or may not live in a simulation) is that you will continue to hear it again and again.
“You can find it on our website” is an all-too-common insignia that indicates someone is guiding you, wanting you, asking you, to visit their digital billboard that should so artistically and articulately explain a value proposition that a hurried elevator pitch cannot.
However, the amount of buzzwords and platitudes used by some companies that are meant to leave a trail of mysticism and allure, often just confuse the visitor and result in a wasted “click”. So, I am going to label 3 key points about web presence that most business owners MUST understand.
Earning a new client is difficult, getting a potential client to engage is costly. The last thing you want is to do all the marketing and lead generation possible to finally have someone land on your web page, only to lose them because of confusion.
I use the example of commercial energy monitoring company I came across a few years ago. Their name was vague, their logo was vague, and the only message on their website was something along the lines of “our thoughts do not have to be your experiments”. As I scrolled confusingly through Pan’s Labyrinth, intentionally searching for what they do, alas I found an “About Us” page. The message indicated that they were a modern company, that hired diversely, who had a team with over 100 years of experience, who can make sure that you can experience optimal performance using AI and modern technology….
The problem here was evident, fortunately the solution is also clear. Make it SO unbelievably easy for people to understand what problem you solve. What would be my iteration of their landing page? “We are a commercial energy company that ensures you are only using power during high-traffic hours, saving you an average of 30% on your monthly energy bill”. Yeah it’s not mystical, it’s not “sexy”, but if you have an office, you may just be interested in saving some money.
Once someone lands on your page, give them something worthwhile. I’m not suggesting an endless Tik-Tok loop of High-School students iterating their abstract dance version of Gangnam Style but give them something that keeps them there. I love a 30-second video clip of a case study that a (willing) client allows you to portray. Something simple and easy to digest that provides imagery of how your solution can provide value. If that’s not possible, make it very, very easy for the pacifist web-cruiser to at least get a hold of you. This could be done in an obvious click to a 10-minute chat in your calendar, or simply a phone number that isn’t redirected through 15,000 satellites that ends up at a call center in Bangalore. Not to say your call center, if necessary, shouldn’t be overseas. But if it is, please make sure that your remote employees are trained to deliver your message directly and have them prepared to engage in a full conversation where details and next steps are easy and attainable.
Sometimes a website deviates from the core values of the sales pitch. I’m sure you’ve had experiences where the message is clear, but then the website is amorphous in it’s messaging. This can easily cause confusion in the sales journey, especially if someone feels like they’ve been lead astray. This is why consistent branding is SO important. Make sure every aspect of your company is portraying the same linear message; problem > solution > next steps. Avoid confusion, and be intentional in your messaging. Ensure that your logos, business cards, website, and ads, all align with what you can offer the client. People will not be able to familiarize themselves with your brand if it is convoluted. This is where we KISS (Keep It Simple, Silly…).
Well now that we have all swallowed the blue pill, or was it the red pill? I’m not sure, I fell asleep…Anyway, we can agree that the below is a recap of the truths of an effective website:
And if you feel that these do not align with your current digital billboard, let us know, we have partners who specialize in kick-ass websites who can deliver on everything you’re missing.